Get a full step by step guide on working with one to ones and corporate clients: from initial interview to the time to say goodbye.
Part 1. Adult clients from A to Z
You will find out:
- How much do you need to know about business to teach Business English?
- How to define needs of your client?
- How to choose the right course book to meet the needs of your client: business, general or professional series?
- Why course book tasks don’t work without adaptation: examples and analysis
- What is a true individual approach or how to create a personalized course design?
- 5 mistakes to avoid while teaching adults
- 3 ways to keep up the motivation of your adult learners
- 10 ways to get most out of authentic materials
Part 2. Professional skills and how to teach them
You will find out:
- What are the professional skills?
- What is task-based approach and how to apply it?
- How to find the right balance between skills training and language input?
- 10 activities to turn boring meeting role plays into active discussions
- 5 ideas to make functional language stick
- 6 steps guide to teach any professional skills
- 8 zero preparation ideas to train professional skills
Part 3. Speaking skills for adults
You will find out:
- What types of speaking skills are important at work?
- How to help adults overcome intermediate plateau in speaking?
- Accuracy or fluency, what’s the golden middle for adult learners?
- 5 blockages that prevent adults from speaking and how to deal with them
- 10 zero preparation activities to create an engaging lesson with lots of speaking
- Games in teaching adults where fun outweighs the outcome
- 5 games that can really bring value
- 6 ways to use authentic materials to provoke speaking practice
Part 4. Troubleshooting while teaching adults
You will find out:
- How does classroom management look in corporate environment?
- How to work with mixed abilities groups?
- How to bring the best value if the time of the course is limited?
- Where home tasks don’t work anymore?
- How to track progress and see the big picture?
- How to organise Course close-up?
- 5 things to clarify before you start teaching corporate clients
- 3 ways to keep up the motivation of your adult learners
- 4 trouble cases from real teaching experience and how they were solved
Trainer Єрмак Катерина
Вже більше 10 років Катерина викладає бізнес та професійну англійську у найбільших міжнародних компаніях України. Окрім магістра перекладу та сертифікації CELTA, отримала спеціалізований сертифікат з викладання бізнес англійської. Катерина регулярно бере участь у місцевих та міжнародних конференціях.
Date: 3.11, 10.11, 17.11, 24.11
Time: 16:30-18:00
Price: 850 UAH
1.5 hours (1 part) – 275 UAH
E-mail – Elena.Sukhova@linguist.ua,, телефон +38 (067) 548-45-43