ZNO Survival Kit 12.10 in Kyiv

За чисельними проханнями вчителів ми відкриваємо реєстрацію на третій тренінг з підготовки до ЗНО !

This 4 – hour workshop will be useful for EFL teachers and tutors who are in need of applicable tools for ZNO preparation. A year strategy of successful preparation approaches for your students will be presented during the workshop.

Join us and you will learn everything about:

Listening part of ZNO:

  • peculiarities of listening tasks and strategies of solving each of them;
  • how to develop students’ ability to listen and hear the information;
  • how to teach students to predict the possible answer, as well as, see the hints in the tasks;
  •  useful resources for listening tasks;

Reading part of ZNO:

  • peculiarities of reading tasks;
  • different styles of reading for each of the tasks;
  • how to connect reading and writing preparation during the lesson;

Writing part of ZNO:

  • differences of layouts and registers of writing tasks;
  • updates to ZNO 2020 writing part
  • applicable lesson frameworks and activities on writing;
  • tricks and tips on how to meet task requirements for students with a low level of English;
  • proper assessment of the writing task;

Use of English part of ZNO:

  • what to focus on each task on;
  • useful advice on how to reduce the number of mistakes in the Use of English exam part;
  • methods of completion of these tricky task;
  • how to develop students’ ability to predict possible answers;

After the workshop participants will learn:

–   Peculiarities of every exam task
–   Updates to ZNO 2020
–   Techniques of tasks’ solutions
–   Where to find resources for exam-tasks
–    How to design own tasks
–    How to teach students to write in the exam framework
–    How to teach their students to listen and hear the information during the listening part
–    How to teach reading to the students while ZNO preparation
–    How to teach students to complete Use of English part of the exam successfully

Тренер: Наталія Зачинська

Всі учасники отримають сертифікат

Місце проведення – Київ, вул. Нижній вал 17/8, 3 поверх, Тренінговий центр «Лінгвіст»

Дата і час: 12 жовтня 13.00 – 17.00

Ціна: 490 грн

Виникли питання? E-mail – training@linguist.ua, телефон +38 (067) 548-45-43

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