Відгуки учасників
“Inspiring presenter, revelant topic“
Бугрін Анна Вікторівна, 3.11.20
“Давно співпрацюю з ТЦ «Лінгвіст», просто у захваті від роботи справжніх професіоналів! Заходи дуже цінні для мене тим, що допомагають вдосконалювати професійні навички на основі дійсно реальних, життєвих прикладів. Під час участі в заходах я відкриваю для себе цілий космос сучасних методів роботи“
Орел Світлана Миколаівна, 28.08.2020
“Зареєструвалась на вебінар, шукаючи натхнення для гарного початку навчального року 🙂 І я його отримала! Все було на належному рівні“
Рудишин Вікторія Миколаївна, 26.08.2020
Чому обрали цей вебінар?
“Мала на меті отримати цікаві ідеї для проведення уроків. Отримала величезне задоволення, адже у тренера дуже багато корисних та креативних ідей та порад”
Казимирович Руслана Романівна, 26.08.2020
“Давно хотіла вдосконалити рівень англійської та навчитися користуватись онлайн-додатками. І мій вибір курсу Boost your English виявився вдалим. Що саме сподобалося? Високопрофесійна робота викладача Олександри Колеснікової, збагачення власного словникового запасу, опрацювання різних моделей уроків в якості учня”
Наталія Сингаївська, 24.08.2020
Чому ви обрали Тренінговий центр Лінгвіст?
“Вважаю його викладачів кваліфікованими, а поради – корисними”
Ваші враження від курсу?
“Сподобався неймовірно. У стислий час отримала корисну інформацію. Сподобалась співпраця у групах та доброзичлива спікерка”
Ларічева Майя Олександрівна, 14.07.2020
“I really liked the event, everything is clear. Thank you very much. Many new materials I can use on my lessons”
Тетяна Мельник, 12.06.2020
“I appreciate the work you do and what you share! I feel so thankful for your ideas and advice on online platforms for speaking, pronunciation!”
Ірина Фалко, 12.06.2020
“Задоволена цілком і навіть більше. Дуже цікавий та активний спікер, ідеї та поради надзвичайно корисні та практичні”
Тетяна Лужецька, 12.06.2020
“Useful information and great speaker! The info on the infographic tools was presented very clear”
Діана Фургало, 27.05.2020
“Amazing! The webinar was extremely useful for me and I’m sure will be beneficial for my students. Most of all, I appreciate all the online tools, which I hadn’t used before, like quiz makers, canva and image-to-text converter. I also liked all the theoretical part about teaching methodologies and will definitely read all the recommended books”
Юлія Халус, 20.05.2020
“Thanks a lot. All ideas were brilliant. Extremely professional trainer”
Валентина Волчинцева, 20.05.2020
“Friendly atmosphere, professional trainer, useful tips. What I liked most? The structure of the grammar lesson + EdTech tools”
Наталія Токар, 19.05.2020
“Engaging. Thank you. What I liked most? Practical online tools; the way the webinar was organized so that we had to think but not get ready-made answers”
Оксана Мельниченко, 19.05.2020
“Everything is great. I will come back again. The way speaker talks and explains really impressive. I’m inspired and amazed”
Вероніка Зацаринна, 19.05.2020
“Great experience! It was like an avalanche of very useful info. Lots of practice stage ideas and the sequence of grammar stages – for me are the most useful”
Оксана Тутюк, 19.05.2020
“Great! Webinar was useful! So many new ideas that we can use in our lessons – it was really on of the best sessions I’ve ever attended”
Ганна Котляр, 18.05.2020
“Super! Really useful tips: I liked Banana-Beep sentences, Grammar puzzle, Bingo (I heard about them, but I’ve never used before). I would like to try Reflection cards and Baamboozle”
Катерина Лященко, 18.05.2020
“Thanks to the presenter for wonderful ideas. Lots of useful engaging activities which I can use at online as well as off-line lessons”
Анна Бугрін, 18.05.2020
“Everything is good. A lot of different ideas how to make revision interesting and motivating for both a teacher and learners. Great seminar! Thank you!”
Наталія Пятниця, 18.05.2020
“Useful and inspiring. First of all, it was very useful to refresh some ideas. Moreover, Alina gave heaps of tasks which I have never used in my practice. I believe that an inspired teacher can give much more for his students. And Alina encouraged me to improve myself”
Вероніка Казьміна, 18.05.2020
“Позитивні емоції, роздуми щодо застосування у роботі почутого на вебінарі. Ігри з досвіду роботи спікера, онлайн платформи – суцільна користь”
Катерина Педь, 14.05.2020
“Interesting, useful and informative. Thank you! Different ways how to assess studets’ mastery of the material. Everything was interesting especially information concerning test and quiz making apps”
Наталія Гавришків, 07.05.2020
“I liked the pronunciation, the way the trainer speaks and the ideas she shared. Ideas with badges and ?on-line testing”
Андріана Полянчич, 07.05.2020
“Super. All information on the webinar has been very useful, I like it”
Вікторія Фесенко, 07.05.2020
“Extremely engaging and attentive speaker, the session was well prepared, comfortable atmosphere and loads of helpful information. The session was a fresh change for me. I have been teaching adults for 5 years so far, and I am sure I will benefit from the webinar indeed. Useful tips, methodological analysis, great resorces the speaker shared”
Марія Кіхтан, 06.05.2020
“It was interesting informative and useful. I really liked the speaker. I’m very thankful for useful information how to organize lessons with adult. I found a lot of materials for teaching”
Ірина Андрусенко, 06.05.2020
“Warm atmosphere and new experience”
Людмила Соіка, 05.05.2020
“Wonderful. As for me all the parts of the webinar, ideas and content are useful for me as I’m really interested in one-to-one teaching, especially online. I’m really grateful for the opportunity to use zoom and ability of active participation in the session. It was a new experience for be but greatly encouraging”
Марія Шморгун, 05.05.2020
“Absolutely positive! Thanx a lot! The interactive form, the ideas, the structure of the webinar and the presenter herself”
Юлія Берестова, 05.05.2020
“The information was clear and structured. I’m grateful for a deep look into one-to-one teaching. It’ll definately help me to plan my individual classes. It was informative and useful. Thanks for some new resources to use at the lesson. I like the idea how some tasks can be transformed for individual classes”
Тетяна Ребенок, 05.05.2020
“I’ll definitely use all resources. The speaker is really experienced. I appreciate the revision at the end. All types of assessment were mentioned”
Наталія Мотрук, 30.04.2020
“I’ll definitely use all resources. The speaker is really experienced. I appreciate the revision at the end. All types of assessment were mentioned”
Марія, 30.04.2020
“Everything was perfect: high level of English, student-centered tasks, peer/self assessment, examples from real life, pros and cons of every resourse”
Катерина Надь, 30.04.2020
“This Vebinar was very useful and instructive for me and my teaching work. You are a great trainer! It was delightful to listen to your Vebinar. As for me, I liked Test and Quiz Making Apps. Before this session I used only Kahoot, but now my learners will be on the ninth cloud!”
Наталія Мотрук, 30.04.2020
“It was really great! Thanks a lot! All sessions are brilliant. I liked everything Training Centre Linguist organises”
Валентина Волчинцева, 29.04.2020
“Completely positive impression of the event. The webinar was wisely packed with apps and the ways of using them”
Вікторія Леган, 29.04.2020
“All four parts were useful. I feel that I gained 4 new superpowers for teaching. I will tell stories, make my learners move at lessons. And chants will be an essential part of my lessons”
Валентина, 24.04.2020
“So many brilliant ideas for such a short time – absolutely incredible”
Грегор, 24.04.2020
“It was like a waterfall of exciting ideas, tips and tools. I’m amazed with the format and trainers’ desire to share with us their powerful secrets”
Анна, 24.04.2020
“What I liked a lot is that students can write their answers in previously sent documents. Our every step is planned and pre-planned. We work in google classroom, so everything is interesting and useful”
Долинич Олена, 07.04.2020
“What impressed me a lot is professional way of presentation, pleasant fluent English, generous sharing of material. Oleksandra did a great job!”
Войтович Світлана, 07.04.2020
“Now I have a clear vision of everything I can do with Google in my online work with my students. The presentation is absolutely intelligible, step by step in a pleasant voice and cheerful manner”
Наумець Ірина, 07.04.2020
“What I liked a lot at this webinar is the speaker. Svitlana is absolutely competent. And also the information of the topic was well-structured and informed in an engaging manner. Great job!”
Бурлака Ірина, 02.04.2020
“The webinar was awesome! Lots of really useful tips how to organize lesson tasks /activities according to Bloom’s taxonomy”
Лукаржевська Світлана, 02.04.2020
“The webinar was really great. The topic is not easy but interesting. I know about Bloom’s taxonomy, but I haven’t listened to any webinars on this topic in such an applicable way. The webinar provided me with lots of ideas to implement into my work. Svitlana did a great job! The presentation was wonderful. A lot of thanks!!!”
Олексієва Олена, 02.04.2020
“A very good webinar with plenty of activities which I would like to try with my students in class. And I guess, it will work online as well as off-line”
Осіпенко Наталія, 17.03.2020
“Most of all, I liked the huge amount of actual and useful information packed in an hour webinar. And the speaker is a real expert”
Костенко Ганна, 17.03.2020
“I liked the idea of increasing learners autonomy: peer checking beforehand in their writing to teacher, home task to read aloud and record themselves – great practice, online survey on the topic, practice interviews and present the results”
Бабенко Ніна, 23.02.2020