Jennifer Trahtman, an expert in working with children with special educational needs, has an extensive experience in assisting children with various mental health problem. She gained much of her training during her graduate work at various hospitals and agencies in the New York area. She is extremely knowledgeable about the education system in the US, particularly with regard to special education services for children with learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Jane is a motivated in teaching ESL students at a various levels, going above and beyond by committing to each student individually, emphasizing potential successful development and learning experiences.
Inclusive classroom environment
Група набрана
Старт: 18 Травня
Місто: Київ
Тривалість: 3 години
Викладач: Jennifer Trahtman
Запрошуємо на тренінг «Embracing Diversity: Students with Special Educational Needs in an Inclusive Classroom» від американської експертки з інклюзивної освіти Jennifer Trahtman.