Looking for an engaging game for your learners to describe people’s appearance? This exciting guessing game requires no preparation and it is relevant to any age and any level.
✅ 1. Ask your learners to write their names on pieces of paper.
✅ 2. Give the papers with names to other students.
Tell them that this is secret information and they should not let others know the name on the paper they received.
✅ 3. Ask them to describe the person whose name is on the paper. They should do it without staring at this person. Suggest using It instead of He / She.
✅ 4. After the signal, the learners in turns read out their descriptions and the class guesses the described person.
✅ 5. Give the description to the person who is described. He / she has to re-write it using 1st singular now. (eg. I’m tall and slim.), correcting any inaccuracies (eg. I’m a green-eyed girl grey-eyed).
✅ 6. Ask the learners to calculate the ratio of true information to inaccuracies. Identify the most attentive learners with the best memory.
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