Steven Hatting is an EFL Teacher and Teacher Trainer from Santa Barbara, California. Beginning his career as a California licensed ESL tutor in the American college and elementary school system, he has been working in ESL/EFL for more than 10 years. He has a degree in Applied Linguistics, but has also placed importance on his continuing professional development by getting CELTA, TESOL, CELT-S, etc. Steven has spent the past four years living in Kyiv and Lviv teaching primary, secondary, tertiary, and adult students individually and in groups and hopes to impart some of his tips and tricks of the trade.
Вебінар. Teens: How to make them engaged?
Група набрана
Старт: 29 Липня
Тривалість: 1 година
Викладач: Steven Hatting
Are you looking for ways to interest teenagers and what methods of class management to use in your work? Join us and we will tell you about it!
220 грн
Запрошуємо до травневої школи для вчителів англійської мови
Група набрана
Старт: 30 Квітня
Місто: Київ
Тривалість: 15 годин
Викладач: Steven Hatting
Longing for insights into the New Ukrainian School Curriculum? Make the most of May days!